Haystack Rock, Pacific City, OR - Our home away from home (PC, not the rock)

Tim and Fly in front of the Rock

Proposal Rock, Neskowin, OR



Tim was checking to see if we could walk around the rocks, as you can see, we had to take another route.

Neskowin has hand made signs all over town telling you to slow down, this was our favorite.

Proposal Rock, Neskowin, OR

Never out of touch with his friends.

On top of Cape Kiwanda. We had to have a beer after the long hike up the hill!

View from the top of the Cape

Top of the Cape

Tim and Resa on the Cape

Tim at the Pelican

As you can see from the photos, we had a very nice day in Pacific City, which is rare in April. We explored our neighboring town, Neskowin, which is about a 10 minute drive from PC. Neskowin is a beautiful town. After exploring in Neskowin, we headed back to PC for lunch (yes Dad, we went to the Mexican place) and then up to the top of Cape Kiwanda to take in the the wonderful ocean view. We then headed to the Pelican Pub to relax and watch the surf with a nice cold beer.
That looks like a perfect day.
Wish we were there. Liam enjoyed seeing Antie Resa, Uncle Tim and Fly.
From Judy and Jim: Looks like a fantastic day at the beach. Since Shadow is now in evidence, I assume he was in detention or "resting" in the sand. Hope he wasn't a damper on your weekend.
Tim, Happy Early Birthday on the 23rd. We will be in Bejing and even farther out of touch, if that is possible. We wish you a terrifc birthday and love you very much.
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