Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Great Lawn Project

Our lawn (if you can call it that) has been the disgrace of the neighborhood for some time. We thought we could bring it around with some weed killer (yes, we know that is bad, but we were desperate), but it did not work. We finally decided to put down sod, instead of seed.

Yesterday, Tim rented a sod cutter and today we took two loads of sod to the dump, which was a nice and refreshing experience. I took these photos after the first truck load. We hope to have the new sod down in a couple of weeks, stay tuned...


The Noonans said...

Nice work RT.

Jordan & Mendie Welu said...

Your post cracks me up because Jordan and I feel that way about our lawn. Our neighbor (who has lived in his home for 20+ years) has an amazing lawn. When we get out to mow, sometimes a couple of weeks have passed, we get the look from him...the one that makes you feel really guilty and pathetic. We feel bad for about a day and then we think it is just a lawn! Good luck with the sod...

Anonymous said...

What a project! We look forward to seeing your progress when we return from China. Thanks for dogsitting for us! Love from the in-laws (Judy and Jim)