Hood to Coast is a 197 mile relay race from Mt. Hood to Seaside, OR. Each team
consists of 12 runners who run 3 legs ranging in distance from 3.5 miles to 7.5 miles. Our team took 27 hours to complete the relay, the winning team completed it in 17 hours.
Tim has done H2C seven times, Kathleen has done it four times, and this was my sixth time. We all agreed that this year was the best one.
Here are some photos of H2C 2007. Kathleen also took some photos, which she has posted to her blog.

A very nervous Kathleen and
Resa getting ready to leave for H2C.

Ellis took this picture of us, that is way we are looking down. Brock and the girls dropped Kathleen off at our house on Friday morning.

This is a photo of our team, minus 3 runners. They met up with us later. From left to right; bottom row: Nancy, Scott, Kathleen, John,
Resa - Back row: Tim T, Tim D, Carolyn.
Nancy, Scott and John flew out from Ohio. Nancy and Scott are married. Carolyn is Tim D's daughter. Tim D and John organized the event for our team, which is a lot of work!!

John, Tim D and Ken doing a little dance up at the mountain. Ken was our first runner. He started (at 3pm) at Timberline Lodge and ran down the mountain to Government Camp and handed off to Timmy T.

Resa, Tim (and Ken in the back)

Ken at the starting line. The race officially starts at 7:30 am then every 15 minutes a group takes off. You are given your start time a few weeks before the race, our start time was 3pm. The last group to start is the elite runners. They start around 7pm and pass all the other teams and finish first. The race is limited to 1,000 teams (12,000 runners).

Ken is in there somewhere, this was right at the start.

Ken passing off to Tim.

Tim finishing up his fist leg and getting ready to pass off to Kathleen.

Tim passing off to K.

Tim was nice enough to get a picture of me coming out of the "Honey Bucket". This was right before my first leg, which was the hardest of my 3 legs, I was very nervous.

Kathleen passing off to
Resa. After my first leg, I passed off to our Fearless leader Tim D.

Tim D passing off to his daughter, Carolyn.

Kathleen giving water to Carolyn.
After we (Van 1) completed our first set of legs, 1-6, we passed the baton to Van 2 in Sandy,OR. Van 2 runners ran from Sandy to Portland. While Van 2 was on the road, we went to Tim D's house for dinner, showers and a little shut eye. I think we slept for about 45 minutes before we were up and getting ready to head off to meet Van 2 for our second round of legs.

Ken getting ready to run his second leg. Ken's second leg started downtown Portland under the Hawthorne bridge and ended on Front street in the industrial area. Ken started his second leg around 12:30 am. We (Van 1) ended our second set of legs around 4:30 am.
After we passed off to Van 2, we drove to St.
Helens High School for showers and pancakes. Then we drove to the next exchange point in Mist, OR. to wait for Van 2. As you can see from the photos below, the girls decided to get some shut eye in the van, and again, Tim was nice enough to take some photos.


Van 1 runners (Timmy T is taking the picture) at Mist waiting for Van 2.

After our 3rd set of legs, we passed off to Van 2 and headed off to Seaside to wait for them to finish. We were all very tired, hungry, and dirty. The battery in my camera was low so I was unable to get photos of our second and third legs.
We were projected to finish at 8pm, but we shaved an 1 1/2 hours off our time, and finished in Seaside at 6:30 pm.

Van 1 runners enjoying pizza and beer in Seaside while waiting for Van 2.

Kathleen, Tim and
Our entire team at the beach enjoying a beer.

Another Hood to Coast completed, Yeah!! I had a lot of fun this year. It was great to have my sister and husband in the same Van to share in the H2C
experience--teamwork, pride in completing your legs, sleep deprivation, getting to the exchange on time to meet the next runner, Honey Buckets, power bars, gummy bears...